Colombian Law

Genetic manipulation
Article 132. Genetic manipulation. The one that manipulates human genes altering the genotype with different purpose to the treatment, the diagnosis, or the scientific investigation related to them in the field of biology, genetics and medicine, oriented to alleviate the suffering or to improve the health of the person and Of humanity, will be imprisoned for one (1) to five (5) years.
Treatment, diagnosis, or scientific research related to them in the field of biology, genetics and medicine, whatever is done with the free and informed consent of the person from which the genes originate, for the Discovery, identification, prevention and treatment of diseases or genetic or genetic influences, as well as the endemic diseases that affect a considerable part of the population.
Article 133. Repeatability of the human being. Anyone who generates identical human beings by cloning or by any other procedure shall be imprisoned for two (2) to six (6) years.
Article 134. Fertilization and trafficking of human embryos. The person who fecundates human eggs with a purpose other than human procreation, without prejudice to scientific research, treatment or diagnosis having a therapeutic purpose with respect to the human being object of the investigation, shall be imprisoned from one (1) to three (3) ) years.
The same penalty shall be incurred by traffickers with human gametes, zygotes or embryos, obtained in any manner or by any means.

According to my research, the destruction of the clones and their children should be done rather than the original as part of the law. If a clone leads a place, If there are original beings in the place the clone will destroy them. There is like a special scent that clones have. I have simulated a family of clones and one original and the clones are killing the original.

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