Chapter 2: Cloning through stem cells

Stem Cells

One way to produce human clones is the use of stem cells of the individual being cloned. I used stem cells coming from the liver.

Figure 1. 22 autosomes and the sex chromosomes of an individual

  1. Extract the stem cells from the liver. For example, the patient developed steatohepatitis and needs biopsy. Along with the healthy cells and damaged cells of the liver are stem cells. This is technique is as good as using reproductive cells of the individual being cloned.
  2. Extract a healthy egg cell from the surrogate mother.
  3. From the stem cells of the liver, one should extract the autosomes and sex chromosomes that make up the individual. This technique is as good as using the reproductive cells of the individual.
  4. Extract the nucleus of the egg cell and remove the genetic material of the nucleus through non-damaging extraction method.
  5. From the autosomes and sex chromosomes extracted from the liver stem cells, place the autosomes and sex chromosomes extracted from the liver stem cells inside the nucleus of that was extracted. This is done in vaccuum.
  6. Replace the nucleus with the genetic material coming from the person being cloned to the surrogate mother's egg cell.
  7. Electroshock the egg cell to start cellular division of the the egg cell like it was fertilized by a sperm cell.

Evaluation of the result

The idividual produced shares the original's soul and is at a higher pane than the original. The result is named Ruben Boticario Bodullo, Sr.

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